I made a good start framing up the north wall today, that included setting the door in place. The door looks rather fancy for a greenhouse door, but as they say, looks can be deceiving.
As you can see from the top photo, the fog was dense today, so dense that it was a fine mist at times and I had to wear my wide-brimmed summer straw hat to keep my glasses from misting up. The temperature rose into the 40's and the garage floor was as wet from condensation as it was outside. A lot of the snow cover melted.
The ground became muddy. I decided not to try and build the north wall inside the garage and move it into place with the tractor as I had planned, but rather, I constructed it directly at the greenhouse.
The weather is predicted to change tomorrow and become much colder. One of my brothers (and possibly my friend the slacker, Jason! Ha! Ha!) is planning to come and help me, but we probably won't be able to install the plastic. Wind. I think we may be able to complete the north wall and begin installing the aluminum channels that will hold the plastic in place though.
Even now, I hear the heavy bell wind-chime clanging outside, telling me that the wind is beginning to pick up. Tomorrow is a new day, and a new year... though it is actually already 1:00am January 1st, 2011. Happy New Year!
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